
Harness the Power of Group Learning and Evolve as One

If this resonates with you, I will be hosting a Free Women’s Group on Monday, September 9th from 5:30pm-7pm.

Please register by emailing me

Women’s Group ‘Free Session’

Monday, September 9th from 5:30pm-7pm

Don't miss the chance to embark on a transformative path surrounded by empowering women. 

Why women join these groups:

  • They were looking to transform their lives,

  • To heal their mind, body, and souls,

  • To find their voices, to be seen and heard,

  • To live authentically, from their hearts,

  • To become leaders,

  • To be Divine Feminine Goddesses,

  • And to live the life of their dreams!

Spaces are open for the next 12-week session starting in September. Take the chance to embark on a transformative path surrounded by empowering women. 

$888 plus GST for 12 sessions (or 3 payments of $296 plus GST or 4 payments of $222 plus GST)

BONUS: If you register by August 30th, you will receive a free 30-minute intuitive reading.

Women’s Group

Every Wednesday - September 18th to December 4th from 5:30-7:00 pm PST

Being part of a weekly women's group gives you the support and guidance to keep moving forward on your spiritual and human path. You'll have a community of women to share in your wins, fulfilling your journey to personal growth and empowerment.

It provides a support group of forward-thinking women, helps you navigate career and relationship changes, and anchors you in empowerment, courage, and grace to face everything in your life.

It helps you take responsibility for your relationships with yourself and others, your purpose in life, and your commitment to loving and nurturing yourself. And it anchors you in your heart!

In this group, we will focus on bringing the mind, body, and spirit into balance to open your heart space and be your true authentic self. 

Topics that will be covered:

  • Identifying and shifting belief systems that hold you back

  • Ancestral healing to shift belief systems

  • Recognizing that everything is energy and how we co-create our world

  • Identifying where we store our emotions in the body and releasing them

  • Accessing our own deeper intuition to lead our best life

  • Taking responsibility for your own actions and staying out of the victim

  • How to shift and create better relationships with ourselves and others

  • Learning tools and tricks to use in our everyday life to be in flow and love

Sharon is a gifted intuitive and compassionate healer whom I’ve worked with for the past 4 years with wonderful success.

During this time, I’ve worked with her one-on-one, in small group settings and in larger group settings and every single time, Sharon has met me where I was (warts and all) with love and grace. She’s helped me to see how circumstances from my childhood and youth, as well as my life experiences as an adult, have impacted my life. She’s helped me to work through and reframe these situations to see them through a different lens, and to understand them in a different context, thereby helping me to let go of what I believed to be true about them and about myself. Now, I feel alive and peaceful in ways I previously wouldn’t have thought possible. I’m still a work in progress, but I’ve come a long way. Thank you for walking with me on this journey, Sharon!

— Jody —

Join a Group

Fill out this short questionnaire and I will aim to get back to you within 2 working days.